Monday 7 March 2011

Fat Burning foods list

The question I get asked the most and I see the most weight loss and exercise blogs and forums is can you give me a fat burning foods list. But is the concept of fat burning foods reality or just a myth.

Well I suppose the first starting point should be what fat burning foods. Were we all know that if you consume more calories than you actually burn off you gain weight. It is true that certain foods can improve your body is metabolism but this only really works as part of a diet and exercise system.

So let's get started.

Fat burning food No1 apples

Now we all remember our grannies telling us an apple a day keeps the doctor away but not only does it hold the doctor at bay it also works on calories to as apples contain high percentage of pectin, which is a soluble fiber.

There was a study recently regarding weight loss and apples they got two groups of dieters and they were given exactly the same amount of calories for every meal but one group God-given and Apple before each meal and you guessed it the group that were given the Apple lost 33% more weight during the programme.

Fat burning food No2 garlic

Not only does it ward off vampires but it is one of the most effective fat burning foods. As it contains compound allicin and basically what that means is it has anti bacterial effects and helps reduce cholesterol and the dreaded unhealthy fats, so that garlic bread is not looking so bad for you now is it.

Fat burning food No3 tomatoes

Tomatoes are an ideal candidate and effective to add to your weight loss program. Not only are they great in helping you fight the flab but they are also great at preventing cancer and high blood pressure which a lot of people trying to lose weight are prone to.

Fat burning food No4 counts

Adding carrots to the beginning of every meal will not only help you see in the dark better but will also aid in your weight loss. Really? This is because the carrot these absolutely no room in your stomach for desert. And using this trick you should be able to lose around one pound a week.

Fat burning food No5 oranges

Not only do they make great orange juice but are rich in vitamins C which also has fat burning properties add this to your exercise regime and is a very effective way to lose weight.

Fat burning food No6 mangoes

Mangoes are not only delicious are also packed full with fibre and are extremely low in calories which is great when you're trying to lose weight.

Fat burning food No7 spinach

Now Popey got his strength from eating spinach and you can to as it is very healthy for you as spinach contains a large amount of iron and not only does it help prevent cancer but it is and exceptional nutrition food.

Now this list is by no means complete but a great way to lose weight is to eat high-fibre low calories as this gives you the feeling of being full for longer. the diet solution stop dieting and start eating and start living! The No1 honest and all natural diet and nutrition program on the Internet. click here

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