Tuesday 8 March 2011

Fat burning foods list

This Fat burning foods list will help you burn fat quicker and more generally be a lot healthier for you then other foods. Fat burning foods are foods that contain less calories than you burn which help you maintain and lose weight, they are often referred to as negative calorie foods and are mostly plant -based foods, I have divided this list up into a few categories with with a brief explanation.

Foods high in vitamins C

Citrus fruits high in vitamins C and if you add them to your weight loss plan you will see an increase in your metabolism and your ability to burn fat.

- Lemons

- Oranges

- Limes

- Mandarins

- Grapefruit

- Watermelon

- Tangerines

- Pineapple

These foods if eaten as part of a regular diet also lower your cholesterol.

Foods high in fiber.

By eating high fibre foods your body will feel fuller for longer.

- Raspberries

- Beans

- Carrots

- Dried fruits

- Fava beans

- Walnuts

- Cherries

- Brussels sprouts

These foods are not wanting fat burning foods but the ingest of calories will be less.

Foods high in protein

Protein is a very important part of any diet and you should make your protein intake as high as possible as protein helps build muscle and the more muscle your body has the more fat you will burn and keep burning.

- Beef

- Pork meat

- Chicken breast

- Salmon

- Eggs

- Cottage cheese

- Macadamia nuts

Try to add as many of these foods as you can to your diet plan as they help you lose weight and burn fat sure there is no magic answer for weight loss but these fat burning foods will help. The trick is to stay positive stay motivated and keep exercising and eating well.

Now this list is by no means complete but a great way to lose weight is to eat high-fibre low calories as this gives you the feeling of being full for longer. the diet solution stop dieting and start eating and start living! The No1 honest and all natural diet and nutrition program on the Internet. click here

Monday 7 March 2011

Fat Burning foods list

The question I get asked the most and I see the most weight loss and exercise blogs and forums is can you give me a fat burning foods list. But is the concept of fat burning foods reality or just a myth.

Well I suppose the first starting point should be what fat burning foods. Were we all know that if you consume more calories than you actually burn off you gain weight. It is true that certain foods can improve your body is metabolism but this only really works as part of a diet and exercise system.

So let's get started.

Fat burning food No1 apples

Now we all remember our grannies telling us an apple a day keeps the doctor away but not only does it hold the doctor at bay it also works on calories to as apples contain high percentage of pectin, which is a soluble fiber.

There was a study recently regarding weight loss and apples they got two groups of dieters and they were given exactly the same amount of calories for every meal but one group God-given and Apple before each meal and you guessed it the group that were given the Apple lost 33% more weight during the programme.

Fat burning food No2 garlic

Not only does it ward off vampires but it is one of the most effective fat burning foods. As it contains compound allicin and basically what that means is it has anti bacterial effects and helps reduce cholesterol and the dreaded unhealthy fats, so that garlic bread is not looking so bad for you now is it.

Fat burning food No3 tomatoes

Tomatoes are an ideal candidate and effective to add to your weight loss program. Not only are they great in helping you fight the flab but they are also great at preventing cancer and high blood pressure which a lot of people trying to lose weight are prone to.

Fat burning food No4 counts

Adding carrots to the beginning of every meal will not only help you see in the dark better but will also aid in your weight loss. Really? This is because the carrot these absolutely no room in your stomach for desert. And using this trick you should be able to lose around one pound a week.

Fat burning food No5 oranges

Not only do they make great orange juice but are rich in vitamins C which also has fat burning properties add this to your exercise regime and is a very effective way to lose weight.

Fat burning food No6 mangoes

Mangoes are not only delicious are also packed full with fibre and are extremely low in calories which is great when you're trying to lose weight.

Fat burning food No7 spinach

Now Popey got his strength from eating spinach and you can to as it is very healthy for you as spinach contains a large amount of iron and not only does it help prevent cancer but it is and exceptional nutrition food.

Now this list is by no means complete but a great way to lose weight is to eat high-fibre low calories as this gives you the feeling of being full for longer. the diet solution stop dieting and start eating and start living! The No1 honest and all natural diet and nutrition program on the Internet. click here

Sunday 6 March 2011

Fat Burning Foods list

This fat burning foods list will help you make the right decision when choosing the best foods to eat to help you burn fat and stay full and satisfied for longer, it is important when exercising to eat the correct foods that will give enough energy to work out but also help in fat burning. The secret to fat burning is to make sure you eat and drink till your body feel satisfied and also choose the right foods that will burn more calories than you consume. And this will help you burn the dreaded stored fat which will lead to you being slimmer and maintain this for a long time.

This fat burning foods list will increase your metabolism and burn calories a lot quicker and for a lot longer after you finished exercising it is important that you do an exercise that increases your heart rate and sustained this for around 20 minutes as this will improve the amount of calories your body burns and keeps burning.









Brussels sprouts


















green beans 

























red cabbage






string beans





If you're interested in weight loss and foods that help both keep you full of the longer and are fat burning then I recommend you have a look at this fat burning system by the No1 Selling Fitness Author Hailed By Oprah Magazine as "Honest" Reveals a Fat Burning System So Powerful, It's Guaranteed To Transform Your Body (Forever) In 49 Days Flat! Click here

Saturday 5 March 2011

Fat Burning Foods List Top 15

Some foods are better than others for fat burning. As a matter of fact there is so much confusion about which foods are really good for fat burning that people just don’t know what to eat. To put it simply, I came up with a list of the top 15 fat burning foods.
Now these foods aren’t listed in order so number 1 isn’t better than number 15, all of the foods listed here are the best and most thoroughly researched fat burning foods.

Whey Protein: This quick and simple food supplement is the basis of many diets health food stores stock nuts for good reason.
Whey protein boosts glutathione, which is one of the most important anti-oxidants in the body.
It also contains a natural amount of ACE-inhibitors, which lower the blood pressure and improve heart function.
Plus, whey protein keeps you satiated for longer so you don’t end up snacking on foods that wreck your diet.

Broccoli: This vegetable makes the top 15 fat burning foods list quite easily and can even be the best fat burning food.
Broccoli contains sulforaphane and indoles, nutrients that protect against prostrate, gastric, skin and breast cancer as well as reducing bad estrogen in the body.
If we reduce estrogen we raise our natural fat burning hormones.
Broccoli is also high in anti-inflammatory properties, which will help our joints following intense exercise.
Not to mention fiber, which delays hunger.

Blueberries: My favorite fruit for fat burning because it has a very high antioxidant capacity which helps our cardiovascular system perform better during training.
Blueberries also lower cholesterol, which is sometimes associated with a high protein diet.

Wild Fish: Any fish that is caught in the wild such as tuna, salmon and cod have numerous health and fat burning benefits to land it on the top 15 fat burning foods list.
Wild fish greatest advantage is omega-3 fish oil that increases the health of the heart, reduces heart attacks and heart-arrhythimias and improving brain function, memory, contain healthy skin and kidney function.
Not bad for some fish huh?

Beef: Preferably grass-fed, beef is very high in the fat burning supplement CLA that has been shown in research to improve the muscle to fat ratio.
Also includes grass-fed omega-3 and is a great source of zinc and vitamin B12, the positive effects on a anabolic hormone environment to help burn more fat.
Plus it has a decent amount of protein as well.

Natural Peanut Butter: I absolutely love this food when I on a diet, because the healthy fat content makes me satisfied for longer, but it also contains heart health fats that increase heart health.
Natural peanut butter is also high in B5 which is a essential nutrient for reducing stress and regulates the muscle wasting, stomach fat storing hormone cortisol.

Oatmeal: I know you think I’m crazy for including a grain and a carbohydrate on my fat burning foods list but oatmeal is a super carbohydrate in that it actually helps you get and stay lean.
Not only flour d oats are rich in fiber, the level to stabilize the sugar in the blood, but the fiber is that beta-glucan, which research has shown to stabilize the blood sugar levels in diabetics contains type II, rather than other types of fibers.
Dr.Richard Bernstein, this world renowned for his work with diabetic patients he also recommended that you have a bowl with flour d oats per day.

Grapefruit: Not only does grapefruit make my top 15 fat burning foods list but it also makes the mayo clinic diet as well.
A study published in the Journal of Medicinal Food compared the pills grapefruit, grapefruit and grapefruit juice.
The result? The people that ate the grapefruit lost substantially more weight and also improved their insulin resistance as well.

Avocado: This fruit helps fat burning miracle because of its high concentration of monounsaturated fatty acids, specifically oleic acid, found in the macadamia nut oil.
Not only does this type of fat turn on fat burning but it also lowers LDL cholesterol and triglycerides.
Avocdos are also rich in beta-sitosterol which lowers cholesterol in the blood and protective properties of the prostate.

Almonds: I eat almonds with at least three meals per day so I had to put it up as one of the top 15 fat burning foods.
Exciting research has shown that when two peaple ate the same diet calories but one of them ate 520 calories of almonds that dieter lost more fat.
There’s even research that points to the almond cell wall possibly limiting the amount of dietary fat that can be absorbed which might mean that not even all of the fat from almonds is absorbed.
Almonds fuller last longer.

Macadamia Nuts: Doctor Atkins called them a “nutritional complete and safe meal” so that is good enough for me.
Not only are rich in monounsaturated fatty acids, which is higher than any other mother, they were associated with lower heart disease and cancer.
Research is even beginning to show that the oil in macadamia nuts can increase your metabolism by around 8-10%. This is a good fat burning food.

Walnuts: I personally don’t like the taste of them but I force myself to eat them since they contain the highest amounts of omega-3 fats of any nut. More importantly, the nuts are rich in manganese, a trace element that helps in the way we metabolize sugar el, is insulin. Controlling insulin and limiting sugar is so important when we are trying to get in better shape which is why they made the top 15 fat burning foods list.

Eggs: No fat burning food list would be complete without food Champion eggs right? Now, apart from the high protein content which is good for burning fat, eggs are also phosphatidylcholine,
Think about how alert and amped up you are after a good workout? What about your inability to get to sleep? Since we know that sleep is important for fat burning, eating eggs that contain choline can help us relax and get to sleep.

Tuna: I almost did not put the tuna on the list for its mercury content, but a look at the protein of tuna and I knew it had a place as one of the top 15 fat burning foods. One light can of tuna has forty-two grams of protein per can. That\#39;s a lot of protein and tuna also contains a lot of omega-3 fish oil.

Green Tea: No fat burning food list would be complete without mentioning green tea.
Remove the Caffeine from the EGCG found in green tea was associated with a reduced risk of several cancers, diseases of the less coronary artery as well as increased levels of dopamine, which improves our mood. More directly related to fat burning, green tea helps the liver to detoxify estrogen. If the liver does not detoxify the artificial estrogens we not a way to burn fat should be as effective as we are.

Take the top 15 fat burning foods list and get shopping.

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